paul J. pastor

Paul J. Pastor is a poet, author, and editor (with Penguin Random House). Besides Solum, his creative work has been featured or is forthcoming at The Windhover, Ekstasis, Fathom, and other fine outlets, and has been anthologized by The New York Quarterly Review. His first collection of poetry, Bower Lodge, is forthcoming (December ’21) from Fernwood Press, joining his creative nonfiction works on Christian spirituality, The Face of the Deep (David C. Cook), and The Listening Day (Zeal Books). He lives in Oregon.

julian’s wall

Dame Julian of Norwich, anchoress, circa 1417 (May 8).

When they sealed me in

I looked a long while

at the blankness of my fourth wall,

which became endless,

large and small

as all creation, gracious

and wholesome as nut

paste spread lovingly

on a warmed trencher, and

I saw that lath and plaster

contains all love, holds God’s own

pity, welling stark

and capable, broad as

my Christ-mother, whose gentle

caul had wrapped my soul.

Then a cat leapt in

my Mass-ward window, and

eyes open, I began to see

which I believe, beloved,

is another word for pray.

Read more of Paul’s work in Solum Journal Volume II and Solum Journal Volume III.